Perpetua of Carthage

We don’t know much about Perpetua.

We do know she lived around the turn of the 3rd century AD.

That she lived in Carthage – modern day Tunis, in Tunisia.

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Simon Lang
Glorious Mess

Small groups this week have looked at the rag-tag bunch of people Jesus called to be his first disciples…

…the new family of people that God was at work creating through Jesus.

And what a family it was!

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Simon Lang
God...form me.

We’re all wired differently – I get that.

What makes one person tick is different to what makes another person tick.

So a little insight into how I’m wired…the kind of things that I love to think about…

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Simon Lang
What's in a word?

Last Sunday I had the joy of teaching on the subject of ‘Christ is our LIFE’.

And if I’m honest… I find that statement quite a nebulous one… it doesn’t immediately connect or help me directly… so, for me, it begs the question.

What does that REALLY mean?

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Daniel Leeves
Incurvatus in se

At Neighbourhood we try not to use fancy terms just for the sake of it. But this one I find really helpful.

Homo incurvatus in se.

Or, humanity curved in on itself.

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Simon Lang

Yesterday we shared the bread and the juice together…

…responding to Jesus’ invitation to come –

to come to His table.

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Simon Lang
The joy of baptism

Last Sunday we celebrated baptism.

Two people, who in different ways and with different stories have discovered the Treasure that is Jesus.

(Or maybe it’s the Treasure that has discovered them).

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Simon Lang

Last night we had small group.

And we finished with lectio -

or at least our version of it!

I love the dynamic of God speaking through His Spirit,

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Simon Lang

Yesterday, Lent began.

An invitation to join with Christians around the world and throughout church history, and make the six-week journey again towards the cross…

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Simon Lang

So there’s this beautiful little story in Luke 8:40ff.

You probably know it. It’s about a woman who has suffered bleeding for 12 years. Physically debilitating; ceremonially unclean….she would have existed on the fringes of society.

And then one day Jesus comes to town.

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Simon Lang