Come, Holy Spirit

Continuing my journey through the Psalms, and today was 104. It’s a beautiful song of praise to God as Creator and Sustainer.

A little aside, but one thing I’ve been learning recently about reading Scripture, is reading DEVOTIONALLY. Not so much reading for knowledge (although that isn’t bad), or reading so I can tick the box in that day’s reading plan…but reading in a way that allows my soul to feast and delight in God. So I’m learning to slow my reading….to read a passage twice and a third time, and to pay attention to where my gaze is drawn, trusting that perhaps that is where God wants to lead me today.

And today I found my gaze settling on Psalm 104:30…

When you send your Spirit they are created, and you renew the face of the ground.

Or, as The Message version puts it,

Send out your Spirit and they spring to life.

Now, admittedly, the Psalmist is talking about the work of God’s Spirit in sustaining creation, but I found myself reflecting on God’s Spirit and us.

That God’s Spirit is a life-giving Spirit.

A Spirit of renewal.

A Spirit of refreshment.

A ministering Spirit.

A healing Spirit.

An encouraging Spirit.

The One who comes alongside and applies God’s grace and truth and gentleness and compassionate love to every area of our lives, in a way that we need right here, right now….in a way that is peculiar and unique to each of us.

This is something God delights to do.

To send His Spirit.

So can I ask….

Where do you want….need…God’s Breath right now?

Where do you need healing?




Binding up?

His tender compassion?



Allow your good, good Heavenly Father the joy of breathing His Spirit upon you today.

Welcome His Spirit.

Crave His Spirit.

Receive His Spirit today.

Simon Lang