If you’ve got a bit of time, I would love to encourage you to read through the story of Joseph. You’ll find it in Genesis 37-45. You might know it quite well, anyway…but if not, it’s a great story.
Read MoreJudges and umpires have been in the news a fair bit recently. There was the incident with Serena Williams and the tennis umpire. And then there’s the nominee for the Supreme Court in the US who is currently in the news.
Read MoreFolks, on Sunday we started our series on forgiveness by looking at the story of Philemon. It’s a tiny book….25 verses long, near the back of the New Testament, and on first reading through you might well think ‘what’s this got to say to us today?’
Read MoreThe boat makes its way into the natural harbour, a refuge from the waves, hidden around a protective shoulder of rock. Spray wets our faces.
Read MoreSometimes we just need to linger.
Slow down. Pause. stop. Cease. Wait. Ponder.
It's okay....it's allowed.
Currently everybodies hero, it seems that Gareth is Mr. Nice Guy.....dressed in his immaculate waistcoat and even comforting the Colombian player who missed his last penalty.
Read MoreYou may or may not know, that Genesis 1 displays an incredible literary intent. It’s way more than just a hastily written chapter on creation. But every word, every phrase, every repetition is deliberate.
Read MoreFolks, I’ve been so invigorated and challenged by some of the reading I’ve been doing on the Sabbath. And I have two quotes to share… really just to get you thinking … pondering …. responding.
Read MoreLeslie Newbiggin – a retired missionary and Anglican priest - wrote that the church is called to be a “sign, taste and fore-herald of the Kingdom of God.”
Read MoreLast Thursday was Ascension Day… the day Christians remember Jesus ascending into Heaven. And unless you’re from a particularly liturgical background, it probably didn’t feature highly on your radar!
Read MoreI came across this quote this morning. It's from a guy called Anselm (C11th AD)....he became Archbishop of Canterbury in 1093. So he's old!
Read MoreI was having lunch with someone yesterday and we got to talking about how faith isn’t a destination, it’s a journey. That actually, what happens in the here and now, today, tomorrow and the day after, is all part of how God grows us.
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