proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.
Harmful, but enticing.
Awaiting a chance to entrap.
Read MoreInsidious.
proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.
Harmful, but enticing.
Awaiting a chance to entrap.
Read MoreI wonder if sometimes, our prayers are too comfortable.
Lord, give me this.
Help me do this.
I need this.
Read MoreI read this quote today…
“Through the Bible, God heals with reassuring words of forgiveness, kindness and welcome. Also through the Bible, God pierces with warnings meant to stir us toward repentance, restoration and peace.
Read MoreThe gospel is a person.
Let me say that again.
The gospel is a person.
The good news….the evangeleon…is a person.
Read MoreSo you want to grow as a disciple? You want to grow in your understanding of yourself, of God, His ways and His Kingdom? You want to mature as a follower of Christ?
Me too!
Read MoreOn Sunday we’re going to be starting a new series on the book of Amos. A big theme of Amos is justice. In fact, you might already be familiar with a verse from Amos without even knowing it. In his April 1963 “Letter from a Birmingham Jail”, MLK quotes Amos 5:24…
Read MoreRecently, Google produced a 2 minute video highlighting the “good” things that people searched for last year. The punchline at the end of the video? Good things are worth searching for: search on.
Read MoreAt this time every year I listen to my favourite Christmas songs.
Christmas carols and songs are packed full of deep truths…gospel truths…and I find they speak deeply to my soul. I love the way songwriters can beautifully capture truth in a few words.
Read MoreMore and more I’m learning to be content in the mystery. You know, those places where we have questions, but no answers. Those places, that despite our best efforts, we just can’t package up into a neat box.
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“Keep Christianity Weird”.
That’s the title of a short book I’ve just read. It’s subtitled ‘Embracing the Discipline of Being Different’.
And I’m just going to let the blurb speak for itself…
Read MoreOver half-term we went to the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower of London. The Ceremony which is the official locking up of the Tower, has been going on for almost 700 years, and is said to be the oldest military ceremony in the world.
Read MoreLast Sunday we celebrated harvest. In a simple way we thought about how God provides for us through countless people all playing their part. It’s not just farmers farming and shopkeepers selling, but it’s the tractor manufacturer, the mechanic, the delivery driver…
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