When the time had fully come...

So there’s a verse in Galatians that caused me to stop and think this morning.

It’s Galatians 4:4.

“But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law…”

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Simon Lang
When God interrupts...

He had no idea what the day held.

He knew it was the turn of his division of priests to serve at the temple in Jerusalem.

For 2 weeks every year that’s what he did.

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Simon Lang
A generous life

Some of you will know that as a church we benefitted from 5 years of funding from the JW Laing Trust. It’s part of our story of God’s wonderful provision for us as a church…

In short…

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Simon Lang

Saul hid.

In and amongst a pile of sacks and supplies.

About to be publicly announced as Israel’s first king, he hid.


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Simon Lang
Look, it's Jesus!

I’m sitting, drinking a coffee, thinking about my talk for Sunday, and just had my eyes opened to a beautiful moment in John 21.

I love it when that happens.

Particularly when it’s something in a familiar passage that you’d never spotted before.

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Simon Lang
Ordinary people.


Adjective: with no special or distinctive features; normal.

Ordinary people.

That’s always been part of our heart-beat at Neighbourhood.

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Simon Lang
St. Martin's Church, Martindale

Take the lane that leads south-west out of Pooley Bridge, on the northern tip of Ullswater, and you find yourself driving down a narrow, stone-wall lined road, that winds its way towards Martindale.

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Simon Lang
Come, Holy Spirit

Continuing my journey through the Psalms, and today was 104. It’s a beautiful song of praise to God as Creator and Sustainer.

A little aside, but one thing I’ve been learning recently about reading Scripture, is reading DEVOTIONALLY.

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Simon Lang
I Will

Just a short thought.

I’m reading through the Psalms at the moment - and loving it. Lingering longer than I have done in the past. And enjoying things strike me in a new way.

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Simon Lang
Thank God for Women...

It’s International Women’s Day today.

So in that spirit….

Today, I am thankful for Mary…who allowed her world to be shaken as she obediently carried the Saviour of the world.

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Simon Lang

For the life of the world.

That’s what Jesus said.

This bread is my flesh.

Which I will give.

For the life of the world.

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Simon Lang